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Oatey 31012 PVC Cement Oatey 30999 ABS Cement Oatey 30883 PVC Cement
Regular-bodied clear cement recommended for use on PVC pipe and fittings up to 4 in for schedule 40 and up to 2 in for SCH 80 potable water pressure pipe, gas, conduit, drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely. Sets up quickly. Apply at temperature 40 to 110 deg F. NSF and UPC listed. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. Medium-bodied black cement for use on all schedules and classes of ABS pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. Lo-VOC solvent cement meets California South Coast Air Quality Management District 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. For all non-pressure applications. Medium bodied gray cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. Recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit and DWV. Recommended application temperature of 40 to 110 deg.
Christy's RH.RHBV.QP.48 PVC Cement Oatey 30890 Rain-R-Shine Oatey 30818 All-Purpose Cement
Christy's? Red Hot Blue Glue? is a very aggressive, deep blue, medium bodied, very fast setting PVC solvent cement. Christy's? Red Hot Blue Glue? is the industry's high quality blue glue, from the leading producer of high performance solvent cements. Medium bodied, fast setting, colored cement recommended for PVC pipe and fittings of diameter up to 6 in. Formulated for wet conditions and when quick pressurization and fast installation is needed. For SCH 40 and Schedule 80 potable water pressure pipe, irrigation, gas, conduit and drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely and covers with a thicker layer than regular PVC cement. Apply at 40 to 110 deg F. Medium bodied milky clear cement for ABS, PVC or CPVC up to 6 in Dia. Recommended for pipe and fittings SCH 40 and 80, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Recommended application temperature 40 to 110 deg F. Meets performance requirements of ASTM D-2564, D-2235, F-493. Check local codes for acceptability of this product.
Oatey 31910 Flow-Guard Gold Harvey's 018100-24 P-4 Harvey's 018500-24 A-6
Medium bodied CPVC resin in solvent solution formula for copper tube size (CTS) CPVC hot and cold potable water pipe and fittings up to 2 in Dia interference fit only and systems up to 180 deg F. Faster cure time/reduced installation time. May be used without primer where local codes permit. Low VOC with reduced solvent emissions. Exceeds new environmental requirements, meets various California district rules and ASTM F-493. Regular-bodied, fast set PVC solvent cement designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 4 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Medium-bodied, medium set, ABS solvent cement designed for use on non-pressure ABS pipe and fittings, SCH 40, Types I and II, up to 6 in. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. NSF certified and UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2235. Dauber can.
Oatey 31128 CPVC Pipe and Fitting Cement Harvey's 018000-24 Mp-6 Harvey's 018110-24 P-4
Medium bodied, fast setting formula for use on CPVC pipe and tubing with interference fits only. 40 to 110 deg F optimum temperature. For use on smallest diameter through 6 in Dia. Particularly suited to hot water pipe applications up to 200 deg. Meets ASTM-F-493. NSF, UPC and IAPMO listed. Medium bodied, medium set multi-purpose cement designed for use on PVC, CPVC and ABS pipe and fittings, SCH 40 and 80, Types I and II, up to 6 in. For potable water, pressure pipe, conduit, drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe and loose fitting joints. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. Dauber can. Regular-bodied, fast set PVC solvent cement designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 4 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can.
Oatey 31129 CPVC Pipe and Fitting Cement Oatey 31013 PVC Cement Harvey's 018400-24 PVC Cement
Medium bodied, fast setting formula for use on CPVC pipe and tubing with interference fits only. 40 to 110 deg F optimum temperature. For use on smallest diameter through 6 in Dias. Particularly suited to hot water pipe applications up to 200 deg. Meets ASTM-F-493. NSF, UPC and IAPMO listed. Regular-bodied clear cement recommended for use on PVC pipe and fittings up to 4 in for schedule 40 and up to 2 in for SCH 80 potable water pressure pipe, gas, conduit, drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely. Sets up quickly. Apply at temperature 40 to 110 deg F. NSF and UPC listed. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. Fast setting, medium bodied PVC solvent cement specifically recommended for wet conditions or when quick pressurization is needed. Recommended for pressure pipes such as SCH 40 and 80 Types I and II, up to 6 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Effective temperature range is 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets performance requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can.
Harvey's 018450-24 P-6E Oatey 30850 PVC Cement CEMENT PVC CLEAR MEDIUM 8OZ
For electrical PVC conduit and plumbing PVC applications. Medium bodied, medium set, designed for use on all duct and conduit applications through 6 in Dia. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain and waste and vent systems. UPC listed. Meet requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Heavy bodied clear cement for PVC pipe and fittings. Up to 12 in Dia for SCH 40 and 80. Recommended for all grades and types of PVC pipe and fittings, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Helps fill gaps in larger diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. NSF and UPC listed. Oatey? PVC Medium Bodied Fast Set Clear Cement is recommended for DWV, pressure pipe, potable water and electrical applications. Its medium body has excellent gap filling properties and is easy to apply with included in-lid dauber. This clear, fast set cement can be used to solvent weld all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in. diameter with interference fit. Oatey products have earned the trust of plumbing professionals for over 100 years.
Rectorseal 55902 PVC Cement Harvey's 018200-24 P-2 PVC Cement Oatey 30917 ABS Cement
Regular body cement specifically formulated for all PVC pipe applications such as potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit, sewers and drain, waste and vent (DWV). For use on PVC pipe through 2 in SCH 40 pressure piping and up to and including 4 in SCH 40 non-pressure (DWV) piping, it may also be used for making up transition joints between ABS and PVC in non-pressure (DWV) piping. Dauber top. Designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 12 in. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe. Helps to fill gaps in larger diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Medium-bodied ABS resin in solvent solution formula for use on ABS pipe and fittings of diameter up to 6 in. Formulated especially for the hot, arid climates in the western states. Use for all non-pressure applications, for all types and grades of ABS pipe and fittings for DWV. Meets ASTM D-2235. Sales area - only in the western region.
Harvey's 018510-24 A-6 Harvey's 018700-24 C-4 Oatey 30821 All-Purpose Cement
Medium-bodied, medium set, ABS solvent cement designed for use on non-pressure ABS pipe and fittings, SCH 40, Types I and II, up to 6 in. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. NSF certified and UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2235. Dauber can. Regular-bodied, fast set CPVC solvent cement designed for use on CPVC pipe and fittings, schedule 80 and copper tube size, CPVC hot and cold water pipe and fittings up to 4 in Dia. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets ASTM F-493. Dauber can. Medium bodied milky clear cement for ABS, PVC or CPVC up to 6 in Dia. Recommended for pipe and fittings SCH 40 and 80, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Recommended application temperature 40 to 110 deg F. Meets performance requirements of ASTM D-2564, D-2235, F-493. Check local codes for acceptability of this product.
Oatey 30863 PVC Cement Oatey 31911 Flow-Guard Gold Oatey 30900 ABS/PVC Transition Cement
Heavy bodied clear cement for PVC pipe and fittings. Up to 12 in Dia for SCH 40 and 80. Recommended for all grades and types of PVC pipe and fittings, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Helps fill gaps in larger diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. NSF and UPC listed. Medium bodied CPVC resin in solvent solution formula for copper tube size (CTS) CPVC hot and cold potable water pipe and fittings up to 2 in Dia interference fit only and systems up to 180 deg F. Faster cure time/reduced installation time. May be used without primer where local codes permit. Low VOC with reduced solvent emissions. Exceeds new environmental requirements, meets various California district rules and ASTM F-493. Medium bodied, green PVC resin in solvent solution formula for use in joining all schedules of ABS to PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia in non-pressure transition joints. Recommended application temperature is 40 to 110 deg F. Meets ASTM D-3138.
Harvey's 018120-12 P-4 Oatey 31014 PVC Cement Oatey 30891 Rain-R-Shine
Regular-bodied, fast set PVC solvent cement designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 4 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Regular-bodied clear cement recommended for use on PVC pipe and fittings up to 4 in for schedule 40 and up to 2 in for SCH 80 potable water pressure pipe, gas, conduit, drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely. Sets up quickly. Apply at temperature 40 to 110 deg F. NSF and UPC listed. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. Medium bodied, fast setting, colored cement recommended for PVC pipe and fittings of diameter up to 6 in. Formulated for wet conditions and when quick pressurization and fast installation is needed. For SCH 40 and Schedule 80 potable water pressure pipe, irrigation, gas, conduit and drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely and covers with a thicker layer than regular PVC cement. Apply at 40 to 110 deg F.
Harvey's 018210-24 P-12 Rectorseal 55970 Abs/PVC/CPVC Cement Harvey's 018010-24 Mp-6
Designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 12 in. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe. Helps to fill gaps in larger diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Medium body multi-purpose cement formulated for use on all PVC, CPVC and ABS pipe applications such as potable water, conduit and drain, waste and vent (DWV). It is for use on all PVC, CPVC and ABS pipe classes for pressure systems through 2 in SCH 40 and non-pressure piping systems through 6 in SCH 40 (excluding SCH 80), also for use on transition joints to join PVC to CPVC and PVC to ABS. Exceeds ASTM F 493 specifications and is LEED compliant. Dauber top. Medium bodied, medium set multi-purpose cement designed for use on PVC, CPVC and ABS pipe and fittings SCH 40 and 80, Types I and II, up to 6 in. For potable water, pressure pipe, conduit, drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe and loose fitting joints. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. Dauber can.
Oatey 32161 Hot Blue Lava PVC Cement PRIMER PURP/AP CMNT HANDI 4OZ Harvey's 018410-24 PVC Cement
Medium bodied blue cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. Very fast setting hot cement formulated for wet conditions and quick pressurization and fast installation. Recommended for potable water, sewer and DWV applications. Recommended application temperature of 40 to 110 deg F. No primer needed on non-pressure DWV, where local codes permit. Meets ASTM D2564. Oatey All-Purpose Cement and Primer Handi Pack, Net Content: Two 4 oz cans, Purple, Red Fast setting, medium bodied PVC solvent cement specifically recommended for wet conditions or when quick pressurization is needed. Recommended for pressure pipes such as SCH 40 and 80 Types I and II, up to 6 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Effective temperature range is 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets performance requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can.
Christy's RH.RHBV.HP.40 PVC Cement Oatey 30812 Bonding Adhesive Harvey's 018710-24 C-4 CPVC Cement
Christy's? Red Hot Blue Glue? is a very aggressive, deep blue, medium bodied, very fast setting PVC solvent cement. Christy's? Red Hot Blue Glue? is the industry's high quality blue glue, from the leading producer of high performance solvent cements. Oatey? LO-VOC X-15? PVC bonding adhesive provides a permanent, watertight seal when joining flexible PVC membrane sheets together. The adhesive is ideal for use in tile showers and other concealed water-proofing applications, adhering shower pan liner seams together and dam corners over the shower curb. This fast-acting adhesive creates a strong, lasting bond. Regular-bodied, fast set CPVC solvent cement designed for use on CPVC pipe and fittings, schedule 80 and copper tube size, CPVC hot and cold water pipe and fittings up to 4 in Dia. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets ASTM F-493. Dauber can.
Oatey 30925 ABS/PVC Transition Cement Rectorseal 55973 Abs/PVC/CPVC Cement Oatey 30876 PVC Cement
Medium bodied, green PVC resin in solvent solution formula for use in joining all schedules of ABS to PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia in non-pressure transition joints. Recommended application temperature is 40 to 110 deg F. Meets ASTM D-3138. Medium body multi-purpose cement formulated for use on all PVC, CPVC and ABS pipe applications such as potable water, conduit and drain, waste and vent (DWV). It is for use on all PVC, CPVC and ABS pipe classes for pressure systems through 2 in SCH 40 and non-pressure piping systems through 6 in SCH 40 (excluding SCH 80), also for use on transition joints to join PVC to CPVC and PVC to ABS. Exceeds ASTM F 493 specifications and is LEED compliant. Dauber top. Heavy bodied clear cement for PVC pipe and fittings. Up to 12 in Dia for SCH 40 and 80. Recommended for all grades and types of PVC pipe and fittings, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Helps fill gaps in larger diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. Apply at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. NSF and UPC listed.
Oatey 31132 PVC Cement Oatey 31015 PVC Cement Oatey 31121 PVC Cement
Medium bodied clear cement for use on PVC pipe and fittings. Up to 6 in Dia. Formulated for fast initial set-up at temperatures down to -15 to 100 deg F. SCH 40 and 80. Recommended for all grades and types of PVC pipe and fittings, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Non-pressure, DWV, up through 4 in Dia: no primer needed where local codes permit. Meets ASTM D-2564. Regular-bodied clear cement recommended for use on PVC pipe and fittings up to 4 in for schedule 40 and up to 2 in for SCH 80 potable water pressure pipe, gas, conduit, drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely. Sets up quickly. Apply at temperature 40 to 110 deg F. NSF and UPC listed. Exceeds ASTM D-2564. Very heavy bodied medium setting gray colored cement for use on PVC pipe and fittings. Up to 18 in Dia for SCH 40 and SCH 80. Formulated for quick installation of irrigation pipe and fittings. Recommended for all grades and types of PVC pipe and fittings, potable water, pressure pipe, gas, conduit and DWV. Builds up for large diameter installations. Fills gaps in large diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. Recommended application temperature 40 to 110 deg F. Meets ASTM D-2564.
Harvey's 018220-12 P-2 PVC Cement Oatey 30893 Rain-R-Shine Oatey 32166 Hot Orange Lava
Designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 12 in. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe. Helps to fill gaps in larger diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Medium bodied, fast setting, colored cement recommended for PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia. Formulated for wet conditions and when quick pressurization and fast installation is needed. For SCH 40 and Schedule 80 potable water pressure pipe, irrigation, gas, conduit and drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely and covers with a thicker layer than regular PVC cement. Apply at 40 to 110 deg F. Heavy bodied orange cement for use on all schedules and classes of CPVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. 1-step, fast curing cement designed for cut-in applications where limited time is available for down-time. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. For commercial hot and cold water systems up to 200 deg F. Recommended application temperature 40 to 110 deg F. Approved for FlowGuard Gold? and Corzan? CPVC piping systems. Meets ASTM F-493 and ASTM D-2846.
CEMENT PVC CLEAR MEDIUM 10OZ  Harvey's 018420-12 PVC Cement Oatey 31095 PVC Cement
Oatey? medium clear PVC cement is formulated for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. Fast setting, medium bodied PVC solvent cement specifically recommended for wet conditions or when quick pressurization is needed. Recommended for pressure pipes such as SCH 40 and 80 Types I and II, up to 6 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Effective temperature range is 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets performance requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. heavy duty gray cement for use on all schedules and classes PVC pipe and fittings up to 12 in Dia with interference fit, up to 18 in for non-pressure. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. Thick formula fills gaps in large diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. Recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit and DWV.
Oatey 31094 PVC Cement Oatey 32162 Hot Blue Lava PVC Cement CEMENT PVC MED CLR 32OZ
Heavy duty gray cement for use on all schedules and classes PVC pipe and fittings up to 12 in Dia with interference fit, up to 18 in for non-pressure. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. Thick formula fills gaps in large diameter pipe and loose fitting joints. Recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit and DWV. Medium bodied blue cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. Very fast setting hot cement formulated for wet conditions and quick pressurization and fast installation. Recommended for potable water, sewer and DWV applications. Recommended application temperature of 40 to 110 deg F. No primer needed on non-pressure DWV, where local codes permit. Meets ASTM D2564. Medium bodied clear cement for use on all schedules and classes of PVC pipe and fittings up to 6 in Dia with interference fit. Low VOC solvent cement meets California south coast air quality management district (SCAQMD) 1168/316A or BAAQMD Method 40 and various environmental requirements. Recommended for potable water, pressure pipe, conduit and DWV. Recommended application temperature of 40 to 110 deg F/4 to 43 deg C. Meets ASTM D-2564.
Harvey's 018320-12 PVC Cement Oatey 30834 All-Purpose Cement Harvey's 018130-12 P-4
Fast setting, all weather, medium bodied PVC solvent cement specifically recommended for cold weather and fast setting pressure applications. Recommended for pressure pipe SCH 40 and 80 Types I and II, up to 6 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Formulated for fast initial set-up at temperatures down to 10 deg F. Effective temperature range -15 to 110 deg F. Meets performance requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can. Harvey Cement, Net Content: 16 oz, Liquid, Clear/Milky, Odor/Scent: Solvent, Compositions: Furan, Tetrahydro-, Acetone, Cyclohexanone, Methyl ethyl ketone, Polyvinyl chloride, Ethene, chloro-homopolymer, chlorinated, Silica, amorphous, fumed, VOC Content: <325 g/L, Application Method: Spray, Flash Point: 14 to 23 deg F, Boiling Point: 151 deg F, Flammability Rating: 3, Temperature Rating: 40 to 110 deg F, Density: 0.94, Applicable Materials: ABS Regular-bodied, fast set PVC solvent cement designed for use on PVC pressure pipe and fittings up to 4 in. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer and drain, waste and vent systems and should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets requirements of ASTM D-2564. Dauber can.
Harvey's 018720-12 C-4 CPVC Cement Christy's RH.RHBV.PT.24 PVC Cement Oatey 30894 Rain-R-Shine
Regular-bodied, fast set CPVC solvent cement designed for use on CPVC pipe and fittings, schedule 80 and copper tube size, CPVC hot and cold water pipe and fittings up to 4 in Dia. Flows freely and provides a thick layer of cement on the pipe. NSF certified for use in potable water, sewer, drain, waste and vent systems. Should be applied at temperatures 40 to 110 deg F. UPC listed. Meets ASTM F-493. Dauber can. Christy's? Red Hot Blue Glue? is a very aggressive, deep blue, medium bodied, very fast setting PVC solvent cement. Christy's? Red Hot Blue Glue? is the industry's high quality blue glue, from the leading producer of high performance solvent cements. Medium bodied, fast setting, colored cement recommended for PVC pipe and fittings of diameter up to 6 in. Formulated for wet conditions and when quick pressurization and fast installation is needed. For SCH 40 and Schedule 80 potable water pressure pipe, irrigation, gas, conduit and drain waste and vent pipe. Flows freely and covers with a thicker layer than regular PVC cement. Apply at 40 to 110 deg F.
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